Eiko Miki
I mainly create metal pieces and I add some different materials such as thread and felt. I love to observe how nature all on its own forms subtleties and ultimately its own natural character. When working with metal, I try to recreate how the aspects of nature I see were brought into this world and then appear to us. The experience I want my work to impart is getting back in touch with nature through a perspective of nature.
The main theme often appearing in my work is the cycle of nature and all of the creature’s lives — to think about the importance of human imagination toward activities of nature, which have become difficult to see directly in the urbanized world.
Who we are and where we go, these are the questions that we forever ask ourselves, and I believe nature can teach us because it’s where we came from.
I continue to consider the real meaning of "abundance" in our lives and my art is the diary/record of my thoughts.
Instagram < @em.eikomiki >
2012 Bachelor of Metal Hammering from Tokyo University of Arts,Tokyo, Japan
2013 Studied Art Jewelry at Burg Giebichenstein, Halle, Germany
2015 MFA from Tokyo University of Arts, Tokyo, Japan
2012 Harada Award
Solo Exhibitions
2021.Nov. Cleared in the Garden 庭に澄む《Galerie H inTokyo》
2020.Dec. Our First Meditation《Galerie H inTokyo》
2019.Nov. Song for the Sun 太陽にうたう《Galerie H inTokyo》
2019. Jun. En Medio de la Travesía 旅の途中で
《ARCOT/Museo Casa Grau in Bogota, Colombia》
Group Exhibitions
2019.Jun. 第10回星陵美術展《ホテル椿山荘 アートギャラリー inTokyo》
2019.May. 想造の庭 箕輪茉海 三木瑛子 二人展
《Plaza North Gallery in Saitama》
2018.Dec. 干支もの-亥-《八雲茶寮 inTokyo》
2018.Aug. 三越×藝大 夏の芸術祭《日本橋三越本館inTokyo》
2018.Apr. つくえの上に楽しい展《桃林堂in Aoyama Tokyo》
2016. Oct. 日常にない金属のカタチ《Gallery5610 in Tokyo》
2015. Jan. 東京藝術大学大学院 修了作品展《藝大大学美術館 in Tokyo》
2014. May. Jahresausstellung 《Burggiebichenstein Halle in Germany》
2013. Jan. ストリート!2013《上野駅Breakステーションギャラリーin Tokyo》
2012. Apr. 芸大・茨大・筑波大 卒業修了制作選抜展
《東海ステーションギャラリーin Ibaraki》
2012. Jan. 東京藝術大学 卒業作品展《芸大構内 in Tokyo》
Craft Market
2016.Dec.24-25 Komogomo展(東京藝術大学後援アートマーケット in Ueno Park →http://komogomo.com)